Chicago “Rox” Olympia High School
A spectacular moment within one of Billy Flynn’s stellar songs.
May 19, 2023
“Ladies and Gentlemen, you are about to see a story of murder, greed, corruption, violence, exploitation, adultery, and treachery… all those things we hold near and dear to our hearts.” This iconic quote marks the beginning of the highly attended spring musical put on by Olympia High School theater and music programs, Chicago: the teen edition.
Actress Lola Havens who plays Roxie Hart shares her experiences leading up to this event as this production has allowed her to meet some really great people. “We’ve built a really great cast that’s able to work well together,” says Havens. She stated this version of Chicago is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for the cast and viewers.
“I think that this is going to be one of the best shows that has been put on here at OHS, especially since COVID,” continues Havens. “The cast has really just been willing to work super hard on it making it the best it can be,” setting the show apart from former productions.
Actor Nick Zimmerman agrees that, from his personal experience as an actor, “this is probably going to be the best show we’ve ever put on at Olympia High School,” thanks to the choreography, music, and spectacular acting, all of which are shown through Dallas Myers’ creative direction throughout the production. With special help from the stagecraft classes at OHS, the set perfectly complements the theme of the musical, with notable lighting and costumes.
Tuba player Ben Yonkers shares this sentiment of how special this show is; from a musician’s perspective, it’s exciting to have a live performance. “It is so awesome and special having a live pit performance because there is nothing quite like it,” he remarked. “It’s just that extra special effect” which can’t be replicated by recorded music.
A student viewer, Reese Hotchkiss, agreed stating that “I loved how the pit band coincided with the live actors who were singing. It was quite the combo!”
Yonkers further stated that “[Chicago] is worth seeing,” for the OHS student body. “Everyone who’s been involved has worked really hard to make this happen, and it’s one of the best productions that has ever happened at this school.”
Dancer and ensemble performer Belle Harris shares her excitement about seeing her hard work pay off after the first few performances. “Everybody did really, really well. Everyone worked really hard,” which Harris believes to be apparent through the coordination of the crews involved.
Harris also remarked that her personal favorite songs of the musical are “Cell Block Tango” and “We Both Reached For the Gun,” widely considered two of the best songs in the entire show, which OHS’ cast portrays effortlessly through their well-thought-out and expertly done routines.
Catch the last show at Olympia High School Performing Arts Center. Closing night’s crowd might just be able to watch the Myers beard be shaved, as it has been heavily advertised to encourage attendance. Zimmerman is also confident that this production will have record-breaking attendance, especially with the hope of the infamous beard being shaved.
When asked to describe the musical itself, Harris said only one thing; “Razzle-Dazzle,” perfectly portrayed by the stellar cast and crew, with the help of musicians and students alike. With the last available show on May 20th, students still have time to buy tickets and contribute to the end of the Myers beard!

Sophia Singleton – May 21, 2023 at 3:08 pm
I saw it twice recently, and it might just be my new favorite musical! I loved everything from the choreography and the songs to the random background details, and I think everyone did a really good job!
Raymond Yepes – May 20, 2023 at 1:38 pm
C’mon babe why don’t we paint the town… and see Chicago?!