The Exorcist: Believer follows the life of two young girls as they explore a newfound friendship. One night, they go into the woods after school and mysteriously disappear for a long time.
The girls are missing for three days before they are found in strange conditions in a random barn. They have injuries all over their bodies and are rushed into the hospital to make sure everything is okay. When the girls are asked how long they have been gone, they say they think it’s only been a few hours.
As time continues, they start to exhibit signs of demonic possession. They act rather strange and creepy for girls their age. Angela’s father refuses to look at the religious aspect of what’s going on as he is still grieving the loss of his late wife nearly thirteen years ago. But he finally comes to terms with this however and tries to help his daughter in any way possible, even seeking out the help of Chris MacNeil, an exorcist specialist.
The punchline of this movie is “one of us lives and the other dies” and the parents of the two girls must decide who receives what fate.
This movie lacked all things horror, suspense and thriller. The filmmakers took a great original movie and attempted to remake it, yet failed to understand what makes a horror movie a horror movie. There was no suspense or build up throughout the movie and was relatively boring throughout.
The Exorcist: Believer did not keep the audience on the edge of their seats waiting to see what would happen next as the entire film was rather predictable. The story lines were inconsistent and scattered with loopholes. They didn’t add anything to the original movie whatsoever and failed to make an interesting plot. With a 22% on Rotten Tomatoes, this movie was a waste of time and money.