Dear Pepper: Heartbroken and Out-of-Love

Dear Pepper,

I’m coming to you because I don’t know what else to do. My girlfriend broke up with me for no reason. I really loved her, and I treated her so well she had no reason to break up with me! And she’s saying I’m “distant” and “hate all of her friends” it’s not my fault they are lazy bums! I keep begging her to get back with me but she won’t, Pepper what do I do to make her realize I’m the one for her?


Heartbroken Junior


Dear Heartbroken Junior,

Please reconsider what you think treating a partner “well” is. It’s ok to feel sad or angry, but you have to accept that some people don’t have the same feelings you may have for them and that’s ok…There comes a time when the person you love more than yourself must be the person you must let go of, and that alone feels unbearable and painful. The more you try and keep them in your life, the harder you make it for yourself. Loving someone isn’t the same as obsessing over them.





Dear Pepper,

I broke up with my boyfriend yesterday. I didn’t tell him why and now he’s telling all his friends that I did it for no reason! How do I tell him that I had a reason; I just didn’t love him anymore! He says he treated me well but he was so distant and he hated all my friends. What do I do? He wants to get back together but I can’t spend another Valentine’s with him!


Out-of-Love Senior


Dear Out-of-Love Senior,

You don’t owe yourself to anyone. Love and relationships are about connection. If you feel you’ve lost that connection, it’s best not to lie and try to force it. You have to put your well-being ahead of the happiness of someone you don’t love. 

