Horoscopes for the week of March 6th-March 12th


Pisces: (February 20th-March 20th): Be smart with your money! You are expected to have much financial luck, use that to the best of your advantage. Invest in something worthwhile.  


Aries (March 21st-April 19th): You may have some difficult encounters this week, but stay calm! Karma has your back as long as you continue with positivity. 


Taurus (April 20th-May 20th): This may be the best week of your life! If it isn’t, don’t worry! You will have the chance to direct your anger or disappointment toward something productive. 


Gemini (May 21st-June 20th): You may sense an upbeat energy this week surrounding your relationships and your life in general. If there is something new or exciting you would like to try, go for it! The odds are currently in your favor, and a new adventure is just what you need for a rush of adrenaline and positive energy.


Cancer (June 21st-July 22nd): With all the homework you’ve been putting off and projects on the back burner, now is the time to get it done. Motivation is key this week! 


Leo (July 23rd-August 22nd): This is a great week to go out on an adventure and travel, especially with a few busy months coming up quickly. This should be the week to disconnect from work and social media and any other stressors in your life and focus more on having joy and pleasure in your life. 


Virgo (August 23rd-September 22nd): Fortune is in your favor this week, quite literally. Perhaps you’ll find some extra money lying around or a bonus from your job. Save or spend it on yourself! You deserve it. 


Libra (September 23rd-October 22nd): This week you may meet someone important to you. What if you met your celeb crush…and they offered to buy you Starbucks in exchange for your firstborn child. Just kidding!


Scorpio (October 23rd-November 21st): This week you are going to make a strong connection with somebody new entering your life soon, or perhaps strengthen your connection with someone who you already have relations with. 


Sagittarius (November 22nd-December 21st): Have some fun! This week is a great week for all artists and creative people to await an opportunity or an exciting new project to occur, so keep an eye out for those. 


Capricorn (December 21st-January 21st): This week could be frustrating. Something may occur like getting cut off in traffic or getting a paper cut. But those occurrences are not the end of the world, take time to think about what’s important. 


Aquarius: (January 21st- February 19th): Set boundaries this week, someone will try and push you. Show them you won’t be pushed around or bullied.