Staff Feature: Bach

Associated Press

Bach (far left) standing guard on a reactionary force for the Clinton family in Camp David, Maryland.

Victoria Liu, Co-Editor-in-Chief

OHS’ Robert Bach worked in the late 1990s serving under the Clinton administration. Now, he is an AP English teacher as well as the Dean of Students. What does that title really mean, though? 

Bach’s daily jobs include reviewing reports of students that are chronically absent and tardy, as well as working in courts to arrive at solutions to help people get to school frequently and punctually. So much responsibility! 

But what most don’t know is that one of Bach’s previous jobs included being a presidential guard for the Clintons on a reactionary force. “I worked with the Secret Service to respond to emergencies that the President or First Family might encounter when they were at Camp David, their vacation home… but I didn’t travel with the Clintons all over the country,” he clarified. 

Bach’s journey of becoming a community leader can be accredited to his past career experiences. He was a non-commissioned officer in the Marine Corps right out of high school and found himself a leader in the capacity of exclusively young men. He then went to college on a full military scholarship, where he first majored in biology.  

However, Bach soon realized he had a deeper passion for English literature. “I decided I wanted to teach English because of my required English classes… I enjoyed the classes so much and received so much guidance from professors prompting me to [become a teacher]… that I just ran with it,” he remembers. 

As a teacher, there is nothing Bach loves more than being in the presence of his students and exchanging ideological and intellectual information. “Reaping the benefits of their youth, excitement, and all of the passions they have for hobbies and academics generates a sense of energy within me.” 

When asked about his biggest accomplishment, Bach’s answer is not the one most would expect. While his triumphs are targets that have changed over time, Bach’s move from the Upper Midwest to the Pacific Northwest (where he didn’t know a single person) is unmatched. “I had to establish myself as a professional without the benefits of a network. I see this accomplishment as a partnership with my wife, and I’m proud of us as a couple.”

Despite his impressive achievements, Bach is still a man the masses can relate to. He revealed that his favorite show is Ozark, and he finds the crime drama exciting due to its evolving plotline and characterization. 

Overall, Bach is one of the most well-versed teachers here at OHS. He is not only an example of academic excellence, but also a motivational leader, skilled thinker, and selfless individual.