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Student news of Olympia High School

The Olympus

Student news of Olympia High School

The Olympus

Student news of Olympia High School

The Olympus

Homecoming is a tradition that endures the test of time.
OHS Uncovered
Lost traditions at OHS
A collage of OHS seniors' favorite and least favorite books they read for English class.
OHS Uncovered
The best and worst books read in English class, according to seniors
The SBAC is meant to be a flexible test that fits both the needs of students who require accommodations and those who benefit from the detailed information the assessment provides.
OHS Uncovered
SBAC testing: are you in or are you out?
Zoe Lytle, Journalist

Last week, all sophomores took the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) test. The results from...

City of Olympia recycling service making a difference. Photo courtesy of All Ready Moving.
OHS Uncovered
Empowering sustainability: OHS Earth Corps lead the way in recycling

Today, every city, county, state, and country has its own rules regarding recycling which makes it nearly...

A First Look at SpongeBob: The Musical
OHS Uncovered
A First Look at SpongeBob: The Musical

CollegeBoard's infamous AP (Advanced Placement) logo. Photo courtesy of CollegeBoard.
OHS Uncovered
The Bachelor, AP edition

As AP season rapidly approaches, this Bachelor-inspired guide can serve as a snapshot overview of each AP test available at OHS! Contestant...

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Student news of Olympia High School